About JD


Jyoti Darshan, an initiative of the Khrist Jyoti Province of the Little Flower Congregation (CST Fathers) is a centre for the promotion of Peace activities, mission, and communicative studies in the pastoral, social and multi-religious context of North India, especially of Punjab and Rajasthan. Rooted in Catholic tradition and committed to the promotion of new evangelisation in the contemporary context, it achieves its objectives through field experiences, direct pastoral exposures and studies and academic inputs on the theology of the missions. Placed within the pluri-religious setting especially of Sikhism and Hinduism and catering to a huge population of non-Christian communities, the mission of the centre is also articulated as the promotion of the values of Peace and Justice. Mission in this context is very much synonymous with the promotion of the Kingdom values of peace, harmony, and justice. Jyoti Darshan is also non-denominational multireligious in its approach and activities upholding the true spirit of ecumenism and religious pluralism. Drawing on the half-a-century of experience and expertise of the pastoral and social engagements of the CST Fathers in the states of Punjab and Rajasthan under the Dioceses of Jalandhar, Chandigarh, Ajmer, Jaipur and Delhi-Faridabad, the centre transmits the hands-on missionary experiences, knowledge, expertise and resources for the larger benefit of the community of priests, religious, seminarians, social workers and other lay ministers who are committed to the pastoral and social mission of the Church.

Jyoti Darshan at a Glance

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Years of Service
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Mission Stations
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Mission Collaborators


Pooling together some of the top-level academic scholarship and hands-on expertise on mission and mission work, and drawing on the multifaceted resources of the unique cultural and social setting of its area of operation, the centre is better placed to cater to the following objectives:
  • Facilitating the overall mission of the Indian Church in various ways like analysing the emerging challenges and opportunities, suggesting the new directions, creating platforms for collaboration and networking, etc.
  • Mission orientation to the Seminarians doing Philosophy or Theology.
  • The theological and missiological training of Priests, Nuns, and Seminarians.
  • Renewal programmes for the priests and religious of the mission area as part of their ongoing formation.
  • Faith Animation programmes for the parents and youth of the parishes in this area.
  • Value-based interdisciplinary academic orientation with particular emphasis on the values of peace and justice, to the teachers and faculty of the various academic institutions in the region like schools, colleges, universities, and centres of higher learning.
  • Publications with a spiritual and missiological thrust.
  • Counselling services to the school students.
  • Orientation Programmes for the Teachers of Schools.
  • Motivational Programmes for the Higher Secondary and High School Students.

Mode of Operation

The centre hosts several resident programmes like faith animation retreats, orientation programmes for teachers, Family retreats, Jesus Youth Sessions on a monthly, bimonthly, or half-yearly schedule.
Besides, it is the uniqueness of the Centre that it operates on a need-based floating schedule by organising retreats, seminars, and other refresher programmes as per the schedule suitable to the visiting groups and communities. The centre helps organise such programmes according to the schedule and duration suggested by the various visiting groups by providing resource persons and infrastructure.

The infrastructure

The centre hosts a state-of-the-art conference hall and seminar room which can cater to 100 and 30 participants respectively. It offers single-room self-contained accommodation for 60 guests. A small-scale library with materials for studies in Missiology, interreligious dialogue, Sikhism, Philosophy, Culture, etc., are also made available. The centre has newly added a Recording and Postproduction Studio with Indoor Shooting facilities run by Jyoti Media, the communicative wing of JD.